It all began with STRUGGLES.

Established in 2020 by Dr. LaTasha Ireland and formally recognized in 2021 with the collaborative efforts of Kenneth Ireland, Felicia Dial-Brown, and Patrick Brown, the Cultivating Thru Struggles Network, a 501c3 non-profit, is guided by the transformative power of challenges embodying the vision to create JIFEs- Joint Integrated Fulfillment Environments. Dr. Ireland's personal journey—overcoming education hurdles, navigating life complexities, and military service—inspired her to turn struggles into strategies for growth, all made possible by her family's empowerment, support, guidance, and love. With a vision beyond individual growth, the foundation shines a spotlight on community contributions and drives positive change through research-based empowerment.

Our Mission

To catalyze transformative possibilities for individuals, families, and communities to elevate themselves by:

  • We create impactful initiatives highlighting remarkable individuals and families who effect positive change within their communities. We inspire others to take action and make a difference by highlighting their stories.

  • We actively investigate the social and economic obstacles that impede progress for individuals, families, and communities. Our dedication lies in identifying and finding effective ways to dismantle these barriers, ensuring equitable access to opportunities.

  • Through our unwavering commitment, we establish opportunities that drive community advancement. By developing initiatives that foster growth, development, and collaboration, we empower communities to flourish and thrive.

Our Vision

To empower individuals, families, and communities to transform Struggles into Strategies for growth, uniting in innovative collaboration. Diverse perspectives amplify journeys, eradicating barriers and fostering shared prosperity, creating a world where challenges lead to resilience, fulfillment, and positive change.

  • A world where struggles catalyze growth and resilience.

  • Empowered individuals, families, and communities rising above challenges.

  • Innovation and support leading to transformative strategies.

  • Collaboration fosters an environment of integrated solutions

  • Diverse perspectives nurturing personal and collective fulfillment.

  • Recognizing, celebrating, and amplifying every individual's journey.

  • Struggles transformed into powerful agents of positive change.

  • Eradicating barriers, fostering unity, equality, and shared prosperity.

Our Values

Aligned with the mission and vision of Cultivating Thru Struggles, our initiatives embody the values of combined joint forces, integrated endeavors, fulfillment-driven enrichments, and environment purpose-driven empowerment. These values form a comprehensive and impactful approach to fostering transformative change.

    • Collaboration: We believe that working together brings strength and innovation. Collaborating with individuals, organizations, and communities allows us to collectively achieve a more significant impact.

    • Unity: We foster a sense of togetherness and shared purpose. Unity among diverse groups creates a supportive network that thrives on shared goals.

    • Teamwork: By pooling our skills and resources, we achieve more than we could individually. Teamwork leverages our strengths for effective problem-solving and growth.

    • Partnership: Partnerships are at the heart of our approach. Collaborating with others amplifies our influence and brings diverse expertise to our initiatives.

    • Community: We emphasize building a strong community that supports one another. Our efforts are centered around the belief that we can create lasting change together.

    • Support: Providing support is fundamental to our mission. We offer guidance, resources, and a helping hand to those navigating challenges on their journey.

    • Synergy: The synergy created by combining efforts is greater than the sum of its parts. By harnessing the power of collaboration, we achieve transformative outcomes.

    • Collective Effort: We recognize the impact that can be achieved when we all contribute. Every individual's effort contributes to our collective progress.

    • Diversity: We value diverse perspectives as catalysts for innovative solutions. Embracing different viewpoints enriches our initiatives and leads to well-rounded outcomes.

    • Interdisciplinary: Our approach combines insights from various fields. By incorporating interdisciplinary knowledge, we create holistic solutions that address multifaceted challenges.

    • Holistic: We consider the bigger picture, addressing various aspects of challenges. Our holistic approach ensures comprehensive solutions that cater to individual and community needs.

    • Adaptability: We embrace change and adjust our strategies when needed. Adaptability ensures our initiatives remain relevant and practical in ever-evolving circumstances.

    • Comprehensive: We strive for thoroughness in our solutions. A comprehensive approach takes into account all relevant factors to create well-informed decisions.

    • Synthesis: Synthesizing different ideas and approaches generates robust solutions. We combine diverse insights to create innovative approaches to complex problems.

    • Incorporation: We integrate research and data into our actions. Incorporating evidence-based approaches strengthens our efforts and increases their impact.

    • Multifaceted: Challenges are multifaceted, and our solutions reflect that. We create more resilient and effective outcomes by addressing challenges from multiple angles.

    • Purpose: We believe that a sense of purpose is essential for fulfillment. Helping individuals and communities discover their purpose guides them toward a more meaningful life.

    • Well-being: Prioritizing well-being enhances the overall quality of life. We focus on mental, emotional, and physical well-being to ensure lasting positive change.

    • Growth: Personal and collective growth is a continuous journey. We support individuals and communities in their pursuit of growth and progress.

    • Contentment: Finding contentment in life is a goal we champion. Our initiatives help people find satisfaction and joy in their experiences.

    • Achievement: Celebrating achievements, big and small, empowers individuals. By recognizing successes, we encourage further progress and self-belief.

    • Satisfaction: Feeling satisfied with one's efforts is a cornerstone of fulfillment. We work towards creating a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction for individuals and communities.

    • Self-actualization: We believe in reaching one's full potential. Guiding individuals and communities toward self-actualization is a central tenet of our mission.

    • Flourishing: Flourishing encompasses growth, success, and overall well-being. We aim to guide individuals and communities toward a state of flourishing and prosperity.

    • Inclusivity: We promote inclusivity, ensuring everyone's voice is heard and valued. Inclusive environments create a sense of belonging for all.

    • Accessibility: Our initiatives prioritize accessibility to resources and opportunities. Making our efforts accessible ensures that no one is left behind.

    • Empowerment: Empowering individuals and communities to take control of their lives is integral to our mission. Empowerment fosters independence and confidence.

    • Nurturing: We nurture growth and development through support and guidance. Creating a nurturing environment allows individuals and communities to thrive.

    • Safe Space: We provide a safe and supportive space for vulnerability and growth. A safe environment encourages open dialogue and self-expression.

    • Supportive Culture: We cultivate a culture of support where helping one another is encouraged. A supportive culture strengthens bonds and encourages progress.

    • Equality: Equality is at the heart of our values. We strive to ensure that everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources.

    • Opportunity: Creating opportunities for growth and success is a driving force. Providing opportunities enables individuals and communities to reach their full potential.

  • Diverse perspectives nurturing personal and collective fulfillment.

  • Recognizing, celebrating, and amplifying every individual's journey.

  • Struggles transformed into powerful agents of positive change.

  • Eradicating barriers, fostering unity, equality, and shared prosperity.